
[Education] What Is COB Or Point-Source Lighting?

COB is an acronym of Chip-on-Board, which is the foundational technology for most of Aputure’s Point-Source Lights. Chip-on-Board LED technology, condenses many small LEDs onto one single chipset, which increases the efficiency and output of the LEDs.

This LED configuration also emits light from a single source, instead of a multi-source array LED configuration that you would find in an LED Panel light. COB lights, like the LS C300d II, allow the lights to not only produce more illuminance, but the Point-Source nature of light also allows the fixture to produce crisp, hard shadows, which would be much more difficult to create with an array-based LED. Point-source lighting is also easier to modify, as it can be compatible with optical lens modifiers like Fresnels and projection lenses.