⚙️Lighting Configuration & Settings
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[INFINIBAR] Light Configuration & Settings

INFINIBAR Light Configuration & Settings


While on the Root Menu screen, rotate and press the Function Control Wheel to select between the following options: 

  • CCT
  • HSI
  • RGB
  • FX
  • Custom FX
  • Overheat Protection
  • Runtime
  • Freq. Selection
  • DMX Settings
  • CRMX Settings
  • BT Settings
  • Dimming Curve
  • Studio Mode
  • Update
  • Language
  • Factory Reset
  • Product Info
  • Screensaver
  • Exit

Overheat Protection

Press the Function Control Wheel to select Overheat Protection.  The "Black Out" selection will black out the fixture when the lamp overheats.  The "Reduce Intensity" selection will reduce the lamp output to a maximum of 70% when the lamp overheats.

Overheat Protection Screen


Press the Function Control Wheel to select Runtime. Select between Standard / 2h / 4h / 6h / 8h. Maximum brightness will be adjusted based on current DC power available. Standard is for maximum light output.Runtime Screen

Runtime settings do not affect light output whenever the lamp is AC powered; the lamp is in "Standard" output whenever it is AC powered.  

Frequency Selection

Press the Function Control Wheel to select Freq. Selection. Rotate the control wheel to adjust the light frequency by ±100Hz with each turn from "+0Hz" to "+2000Hz".

Frequency Selection Screen

Dimming Curve

Press the Function Control Wheel to select Dimming Curve; rotate between Linear, S-Curve, Exponential and Logarithmic.  

After a "Factory Reset", the default Dimming Curve is Linear.


Studio Mode

Press the Function Control Wheel to select Studio Mode. Rotate and select "YES" or "NO" to turn on or turn off the Studio Mode.
Whenever the Studio Mode is enabled ("YES"), the lamp powers on only when AC power is present; whenever the Studio Mode is disabled ("NO"), the lamp powers on only when the Power Switch is in the ON position and the lamp is receiving power from either AC or it's DC source.

Studio Mode Screen

If Studio Mode is enabled, the lamp will not turn back on following a power cycle unless AC power is provided.