
[Dome] Light Dome Mini II

Light Dome Mini II

Main Features

  • Best for portraits, interviews, professional filmmaking and facial shots;
  • Full silver coating intensifies output strength for more control over light source;
  • Deep dome design (24" deep) ensures tighter, more focused beam;
  • Unique dual diffuser design ensures even distribution of the light across the entire field;
  • Large 34.8" outer diffuser increases size of beam which makes a softer and more flattering light;
  • Smooth round-shaped hexadecagon light output for beautiful catchlight;
  • Bundled with 2 different thickness of outer diffuser fabric to allow user control different softness (by 1.5 stop and 2.5 stop brightness);
  • Re-designed 16 rods of wear-resistant hadfield steel construction for one-person fast setup;
  • Bundled with honeycomb grid add-on help control light spill spread by 40 degrees;
  • Bundled with a gel holder for filmmaker to design light colours.



Item Dimension Net Weight
Softbox unfolded Ф 550×290mm(21.6x11.4") 1.28 kg
(2.82 lb)
Outside Diffuser Ф 545mm(21.5")
Inside Diffuser Ф 175 mm ( 9.3" )
Eggcrate Ф 545mm(21.5" )