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[LS 300x] Wired DMX Control

Connecting & Controlling via DMX LS 300x

LS 300x

Connecting to DMX

1) Connect a standard DMX controller


  1. Connecting DMX to only one 300x
  2. Daisy chaining multiple lights using DMX

 The DMX interface schematic is shown in the pictures below:


  1. Signal Common
  2. Data 1- (Primary Data Link)
  3. Data 1+ (Primary Data Link)
  4. Data 2- (Optional Secondary Data Link)
  5. Data 2+ (Optional Secondary Data Link)

2) Channel Selection

In DMX mode, match the channel of your DMX controller with the light, and then adjust 

The default DMX channel is "001".

The range of DMX channels is 1 to 512.


5. Controlling Device Via DMX

1) Connect the DMX controller's OUTPUT to the 300x's controller INPUT as shown in the figure below.


2) DMX Chart

DMX Channel Values/Functions

(6 DMX Channels)

Channel Value Function
1   Dimmer
0-255 Intensity 0 to 100%
2   CCT Control
0-5 2700K
6-10 2800K
11-15 2900K
16-20 3000K
21-25 3100K


31-35 3300K
36-40 3400K
41-45 3500K
46-50 3600K
51-55 3700K
56-60 3800K
61-65 3900K
66-70 4000K
71-75 4100K
76-80 4200K
81-85 4300K
86-90 4400K
91-95 4500K
96-100 4600K
101-105 4700K
106-110 4800K
111-115 4900K
116-120 5000K
121-125 5100K
125-130 5200K
131-135 5300K
136-140 5400K
141-145 5500K
146-150 5600K
151-155 5700K
156-160 5800K
161-165 5900K
166-170 6000K
171-175 6100K
176-180 6200K
181-185 6300K
186-190 6400K
191-195 6500K
196-255 Undefined
3   Frequency Control
0-19 1
20-39 2
40-59 3
60-79 4
80-99 5
100-119 6
120-139 7
140-159 8
160-179 9
180-199 10
200-219 R
220-255 Undefined
4   Mode Selection
0-127 Manual Mode
128-255 FX Mode
5   FX Control
0-19 Paparazzi
20-39 Fireworks
40-59 Faulty Bulb
60-79 Lightning
80-99 TV
100-119 Pulsing
120-139 Stribe
140-159 Explosion
160-178 Fire
180-255 Undefined
6   IN Lightning Mode
0 Start Point
1-127 Single Trigger
128-255 Cycle Mode
  IN Explosion mode
0 Start Point
1-127 Single Trigger
128-255 Undefined

 In DMX mode, intensity, CCT, FX frequency and lighting effects can only be controlled by a DMX controller.

When controlling multiple 300x lights independently (i.e., A and B), offset each light by 6 channels. If you set light A at DMX 001, set light B at DMX 007, to control A and B separately on the DMX controller.