
[Motorized Yoke] Manual Control and Setting Adjustment with the Control Box

Manually controlling and setting adjustments of Motorized Yoke with Control Box

Operation Interface

  1. Press the MENU Button to enter the User Settings Interface


2. Select "Accessory". 


3. Select "Motorized Yoke". 


You can adjust the Pan and Tilt angle of the Motorized Yoke. You can also recalibrate the Motorized Yoke by selecting the Return to Origin. 


Accessory Selection

When the lamp head is equipped with different accessories, the range of movement of the Motorized Yoke can be different. 

  1. Aputure Mount Accessories

    When installing the Aputure-Mount accessories on the lamp, the Motorized Yoke will detect the accessory and will automatically adapt the movement range of the Motorized Yoke with the Aputure Mount (A-Mount) accessory. 
  2. Non Aputure Mount Accessories

    When installing non-Aputure-Mount accessories on the lamp, you need to select the accessory you are using in the Motorized Yoke interface. 
    1. Aputure Bowen's Mount Accessory

      When installing an Aputure Bowen's Mount Accessory, you can select the accessory you have attached from the list. 

    2. Third Party Bowen's Mount Accessory

      When choosing a third-party accessory, you need to enter the range of motion yourself to restrict the Motorized Yoke accordingly; you can save the accessory after the settings are completed to recall next time.


The Maximum Range for Pan with the Accessory

Range of adjustment angle: 0~540°


The Maximum Range for Tilt with the Accessory

Range of adjustment angle: 0~270°


Recalibrating the Motorized Yoke

Return to Origin


Unlocking the automatic Motion Restrictions

Unlock the Pan and Tilt angle restrictions of the Motorized Yoke by selecting "Motion Limit". 
