
[NovaP300c-NovaP600c] Accessories

What accessories can I use with the Nova P300c and the Nova P600c?

Nova P300c:

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Nova P600c:

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The Nova Softboxes were designed to fit seamlessly inside the accessory slot. It is a rectangular softbox that includes a ¼ diffusion fabric and a 40° light control grid. The Novas also have compatible modifiers from several other industry standard lighting modifier manufacturers, such as Honeycrates, DoPchoice, and Chimera Lighting.

Honeycrates makes a 50° Honeycrate that slips onto the front of the Nova to control spill DoPchoice makes a SnapBag and SnapGrid that slip onto the front of the Nova for controlling softening the light or controlling light spill. They also make a Rabbit Ears frame that is compatible with the P300c’s accessory slot, allowing it to be used with any Rabbit Ears softboxes.

Chimera makes a Pop Bank that can also be attached to the front of the Nova P300c, and comes with two diffusion fabrics: Full Chimera Cloth and Half Chimera Cloth.