
[Sidus Four] Device Settings

Settings of Sidus Four

Device Settings

On the Main Display, select the Settings icon to enter the Sidus Four Settings interface.


Ethernet Settings


1. In Ethernet Settings, select the Ethernet Protocol, IP mode, and set the Sidus Four network IP's. The MAC address of the Sidus Four is also displayed here.



2. In Ethernet Protocol, choose the control protocol, sACN or Art-Net, or allow Sidus Four to automatically detect the protocol present.

Best Practice does not recommend using sACN and Art-Net on the same unmanaged network.


3. In IP Mode Settings, choose how the Sidus Four's IP is to be determined. Choose "Auto(DHCP)" to allow the network DHCP Server to automatically populate Sidus Four's IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway IP. Choose "Static" to enter the information manually. 

There must be a DHCP Server on the network for the IP information to auto-populate when selecting "DHCP".



Wi-Fi Settings


1. In Wi-Fi Settings, turn Wi-Fi ON or OFF, select the Control Protocol Wi-Fi should use, the Wi-Fi Mode (AP or STA), enter SSID and password and choose Wi-Fi IP settings. The Wi-Fi MAC Address and Wi-Fi Module Firmware Version are also listed.



2. Just like Ethernet Control Protocols, Wi-Fi also supports choosing between sACN, Art-Net, or automatic detection.

Best practice does not recommended using sACN and Art-Net on the same unmanaged network.

3. Wi-Fi connection modes: AP mode (wireless access point) and STA mode (station).

AP Mode: When set to AP mode, the Sidus Four's Wi-Fi will act as a wireless access point and acts as the DHCP Server in the network.

STA Mode: When set to STA mode, the Sidus Four will act as a workstation to communicate with other devices, such as a wireless router or a Sidus Four in AP mode.


4. Since Sidus Four Wi-Fi Mode can act as an AP or STA, the SSID (wireless network name) and Wi-Fi password settings are specific to those Wi-Fi modes.

When Wi-Fi is in AP Mode, then the SSID and Password refer to the wireless network other devices need to connect to in order to communicate with this Sidus Four. Both the SSID and Password are editable in the Wi-Fi Settings interface.


When Wi-Fi is in STA Mode, the SSID (wireless network name) refers to the network for the Sidus Four to join. Under Password, Enter in the network password of the router.


4. At the bottom of the Wi-Fi Settings interface, view the MAC address and firmware version of the Sidus Four Wi-Fi module.



Language Settings

Sidus Four supports both English and Chinese. Select the language preference in the Language interface.



Factory Reset


To reset the unit to Factory Settings, select Factory Reset from the Settings Menu. In the Factory Rest interface, change Sidus Four's Factory Reset default language and select whether Unlink all connected CRMX devices. Choosing the "Unlink All CRMX: OFF" option allows for a Factory Reset while maintaining the Sidus Four output CMRX links and Linking Keys.



Restore factory settings


Sidus Four default Factory Settings:

ABCD CRMX Outputs: Unlink all CRMX Receivers; restore Outputs to:

A: Universe 1;

B: Universe 2;

C: Universe  3;

D: Universe 4;

All wireless Output Ports' Linking Keys reset to "00000000".

EFGH XLR-DMX ports: Output Universes reset to: 5, 6, 7, 8

Ethernet Settings: Automatic detection of Ethernet Control Protocols; DHCP/automatic assignment of IP information

Wi-Fi: Automatic detection of Wi-Fi Control Protocols; IP assignment reset; Wi-Fi SSID and Password reset to default; Wi-Fi Mode reset to AP.

Batch Firmware Update: utilize CRMX for updates; firmware updates do not trigger a Factory Reset of the updated device; completion of the update does not restore the factory settings

Language: English; default language after a Factory Reset can be altered in Language Settings.

A 3 second press of the Select Wheel is a shortcut to a factory reset of Sidus Four. There is a 3-second countdown with the option to cancel the factory reset.



Factory Reset Shortcut