
[Sidus One] Art-Net/sACN over Wi-Fi IN

Art-Net/sACN over Wi-Fi IN


The Sidus One receives data from Universes 1-4 on either Art-Net or sACN. It does not support Art-Net Universe 0. The Sidus One will automatically use the first protocol (Art-Net or sACN) it detects on the network.

Art-Net/sACN over Wi-Fi IN

1. Set Sidus One to AP+TX mode


1. Press and Hold to switch between TX and RX modes

2. Press and Hold to switch between AP/STA/Off modes

When in AP Mode, the Sidus One acts as a wireless router–broadcasting a Wi-Fi Network. See the back of the device for the network’s SSID and password. When in AP Mode, the Sidus One acts as a DHCP server. When in STA Mode, the Sidus One acts as a wireless client within an existing network–software update coming soon.

2. Open Sidus Link Pro App on iPad, and connect to Sidus One's Wi-Fi. 

1. Create a Project


2. Create a new Scene.


3. Click to open the Connection Management Display.


4. Click on "Go to Settings" in the Wi-Fi interface.


5. View Wi-Fi Network Name (SSID) and password on the back of Sidus One


6. Select Sidus One's Wi-Fi Network on iPad. 


7. After the connection is completed, return to Sidus Link Pro's Connection Management Display; the name and IP address of the connected Sidus One is now displayed here. 


8. After returning to the Sidus Pro App, the Art-Net/sACN indicator light of Sidus One will go solid if any fixtures are patched on the Universe Sidus One is listening for. 


9. Select Wireless Transceiver to enter the Settings interface of the Sidus One (AP); selecting the Universe to listen for can be done here or with the Sidus One button. 


10. Sidus One can listen for Art-Net Universe 1-4 or sACN Universe 1-4. Whichever Universe Sidus One is listening for, is the Universe it will transmit via CRMX and send out of the 3-pin DMX adapter. If fixtures are patched to this Universe, the Art-Net/sACN indicator will be SOLID and the DMX indicator will also be ON. You can now LINK your Sidus One (AP) to fixtures utilizing CRMX.

Sidus One does not support Art-Net Universe 0. 



11. If this is the first fixture patched in this Scene, the Art-Net/sACN indicator should now be SOLID and the DMX indicator should also be ON. You can now LINK your Sidus One (AP) to fixtures utilizing CRMX.


CRMX Transmitter OUT

1. To unlink a previously linked fixture, browse to the CRMX Settings menu and turn on CRMX. If the light has been previously linked to another transmitter, press Unlink.


2. On the Sidus One, tap the CRMX Link button to initiate CRMX linking. The CRMX Status Light will flash while linking. The CRMX Status Light will be solid on the TX if DMX data is present; if no data is present, the CRMX Status Light will blink slowly.





1. Tap CRMX Link button 2. The CRMX Status Light will blink rapidly while linking.


The linked light or receiver will show the CRMX signal strength when connected to the Sidus One TX.






1. Insert DMX IN/OUT Adapter into the DMX Port on the bottom of the Sidus One. 2. Plug the 5 Pin Female Out cable into a Light's DMX IN port.


When used with Aputure fixtures that utilize a USB Port for DMX, an Aputure Active DMX Adapter must be used on the Light. If the product is amaran, an amaran DMX Adapter must be used on the light.

(Sidus One does not receive or transmit data via its USB-C port.)