
[STORM 1000c] DMX Settings

DMX Settings of STORM 1000c

DMX Status Screen: Displays DMX data status, the DMX address, the DMX Profile being

used, the CRMX Signal Strength, Fan Mode, Dimming Curve, White Light Standard,

Studio Mode in use, Output Mode, Power Status and more.

DMX Address: Set the DMX address of this fixture.

DMX Profile: Choose which DMX Profile to use. Refer to the DMX Chart for the specifics
of each profile.

DMX Loss Behavior--Choose from the following options:

  1. Hold Last Look: when DMX signal is lost, DMX values will be retained until signal is regained.
  2. Black Out: when DMX signal is lost, the light will black out.
  3. Fade to Black: when DMX signal is lost, the light will wait for 60 seconds before fading to
  4. Hold 2 min.&Fade Out: when DMX signal is lost, the DMX values are retained for two minutes before fading out over a time of 60 seconds.

DMX Smoothing: Set the smoothness of DMX dimming.

DMX Termination: Turn ON (to help with DMX signal reflection) or OFF.